It only small grains that take the first place in the healthy foods that our ancestors ate. Small grains are considered the state of traditional diet. These small grains are the epitome of rice we eat today. These are the kind of grain that is grown like rice paddy. Minor grains that are smaller than rice are short-lived. Rice will need a good shower. But these nutrients can thrive in temperate climates and normal soils. From the earliest times to the modern times we live in today, the minority of the food used by the human race is significant . So it can also be called the first cereal meal.In the early days, man came to eat vegetebles and fruits. The first invention of man on earth was fire. This why man continues to see something up to date. When he found the fire, he was eating vegetebles and fruits on the fire. Only then did he find the rice . The rice was first discovered fron the Bamboo tree. So he named it Mongoliri and caught paddy field and named it. Examples are samba paddy and ponny samba..
Uses of Small fox,
Man hsa been the small varities and the varities . Small grains are also callled neo-grains Most of the small grains are short-Lived and can be harvested within 65 days.Each cereal hsa its own unique flavor , flavor and size. Our ancestors also received nutrients in the diet of food as medicine. They also cured diseases . But not only us, but our children and young people , who are growing rapidly today, have become the food of medicine. This is because of the foreign culture and cuisine we follow in the name of civilization .Toady from the children to adults, everyone eats foreign fast food such as pizza and burgers. Thus our body loses immunity to the climatic conditions of our country. Sp our body has become the site of disease. The only solution to recovering ourselves and our heritage fron such harm is to go back to antiquity . That is . to adopt an ancient diet. Even rice , Which is considered to be the staple food of your low in nutrients . But the small intakes provide the body with the nutrients it needs. Thus when we consume small granis our body.,s immunity increases manifold .Dietary experts say that obesity and cardiovascular disease are prevented by reducing the amount of bad fats in the body.Small grains are small and sphercial . These are white , gray, yellow and even deep red. The botanical name of the day is Eleusine coracana, According to archaeologists, small fox seems to have been first cultivated in East asia. 10,000 years ago. However the tamil sangam literature is a great example of the fact that our ancestors were the main food of the minorities The vast majority of commerical of grain products in the world are produced in china., india, Greece, Egypt, and Africa. Millets, small fox rich in nutrients . About 15 percent of these are protein and high in fiber. They are also a great source of vitamin D, E, vitamin D B, complex , Niacin,, Thiamine and Riboflavin . The small intestine is full of many healthy nutrients that are needs for proper functioning of the body.Iron and copper . are rich in blood cell production and blood oxygenation . Also small amounts of phosphorus are found to help control blood pressure. These minerals combine with all plant nutrients to form a powerful defence against all kinds of disesaes and cancers. There is a large amount of balance in small grains it is Therefore considered the best diet to help cure anemia Calcium in the small intestine.Excessive in take of cereals help reduce the amount of internal triglycerides in the body . small contains an amino acid called tryptophan helps reduce proper weigt
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